1:1 Birthworker Support

Pursuing birthwork is a life-changing, soul-altering decision, yet most birthworkers fulfill their training or certification with little initiation in these truths, honest exploration of what it means, spiritually and emotionally, to pursue birthwork in a culture hostile to birth, and with little access to longterm emotional and spiritual support.  

1:1 birthworker coaching with me provides a high-touch, individualized, safe container for birthworkers (doulas, midwives, nurses, obstetricians, etc.) and aspiring birthworkers to explore any of the myriad elements inherent in our work. With a lens toward anti-oppressive, decolonial, non-hierarchical birthwork practice, I will help you unpack and process whatever is on your mind or in your heart. These non-judgemental and affirming sessions facilitate an excavation of your own inherent wisdom, strength, and capacity so that you can find a version of birthwork practice that is authentic to you.  

 These sessions can be used as a vehicle to:

  • debrief a particular birth. 

  • process a traumatic experience, whether primary or secondary.

  • examine fresh perspectives on clinical management. 

  • be supported and nurtured through the challenges of being a midwifery student. 

  • receive mentorship for leaving the Medical Industrial Complex or opening a homebirth practice. 

  • learn about the logistical aspects of entrepreneurship. 

  • review ways to attract your ideal client.

  • investigate the inherently political nature of our work.

  • navigate difficult interpersonal relationships with colleagues or clients.

  • strategize sustainability, self-care, and community care in birthwork.

  • explore whether birthwork is a good fit for you.

  • discuss the different pathways for birthwork.

  • have an experienced midwife in your court to be a sounding board for anything you need.

Birthwork is liberatory work, but the work of liberation isn’t easy. Let me support you.

The cost of a single, 60-minute virtual session is $150, with discount packages available for multiple sessions.  In-person sessions are also available in NYC for $200, with discount packages available for multiple sessions. If you desire a longterm relationship that occurs primarily through written support (email and messaging support in real time, for 1-month, 3-month, and 6-month packages), please inquire below. And if you're interested in a longer, more community-based option for support, please consider joining my midwifery mentorship cohort!

I offer sliding scale to counter the systemic injustice and gatekeeping that has left birthwork inaccessible to many marginalized groups. If this is you, please inquire about reduced rates below. Those with ample resources and a desire to support others who can't financially access this kind of coaching may consider paying it forward by offering above the $150 fee as a contribution to the scholarship fund.


To schedule, please fill out the form below. Then I will send you a link where you can purchase and schedule our time together. I can't wait to work with you!